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Fourth Grade February Newsletter

4thGradeNewsletter2024-20251 (PDF)
Blanca Rodriguez

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What We Are Learning


  • In February we will focus on the genre historical fiction.
    We will continue looking at the author’s perspective and
    work on inferencing. We will review run on sentences and
    work on other grammar skills.


  • 4th grade will be diving into the world of fractions! We will
    be learning how to identify, model, add and subtract,
    simplify , and find equivalent fractions. We will also be
    reviewing our 2 X 2 digit multiplication and long division


  • We are learning about how earth has changed over time. We
    will first determine how fossils are made. We will do this by
    making observations and inferring what our observations

Essential Skills

Essential skills will be reviewed in morning meeting and practiced throughout the day that aligns to District 8's Portrait of a Graduate!

Focus Area for January:

  •  Relationship Skills


  • Be sure to monitor the weather and ensure your students come to school with warm clothing and jackets. Also, be on the lookout for information regarding student showcases coming up in February!

Dates to Know

  • February 10-14: Kindness Week (Spirit Week to come)
  • February 14th: Valentine’s card exchange (more info to come)
  • February 17th - 21st - NO SCHOOL for Students
  • February 18th & 19th - Student Showcase Conferences
  • February 25th: Lockdown Drill

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