Aragon Elementary
3rd Grade February Newsletter
Blanca Rodriguez
What We Are Learning
- This month in reading we are beginning Unit 4. We will read both
realistic fiction and informational texts. Our key skills are making
inferences, asking questions about the text, and identifying point
of view. We will also expand what we know about figurative
language and use it to write our own realistic fiction stories.
- Students are beginning a new module in our math curriculum. We
will be working multiplying and dividing with 0, 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
- Students will assume the role of wildlife biologists solving the
mystery of how one wolf has some traits that are similar to and
some that are quite different from those of the rest of its
pack. Students conduct investigations and analyze data in order to
figure out patterns in traits between parents and offspring.
Students will ask questions and obtain information as they read
science texts about traits, relatedness, inheritance, and the
influence of the environment on traits.
Essential Skills
- Relationship Skills: focus on developing the
interpersonal skills needed to establish and
maintain positive relationships.
By the end of the unit students will learn how
- Give and receive compliments in a genuine manner
- Use attentive listening skills to foster better communication
- Demonstrate cooperative behaviors in a group, e.g., listen, encourage, acknowledge opinions, compromise, reach consensus
- Recognize the difference between helpful and harmful behaviors in friendships
- -Remember check your students backpack
every Tuesday for their green folder!
Dates to Know
- February 3-14 - Illuminate testing
- February 10-14 - Kindness week
- February 14 - Valentines info to come
- February 17 - no school
- February 18-20 - Student showcases
- February 21 - No school
- February 25 - Lockdown drill
Contact Information
- Ms. Robinson -ELA
Remind Class Code: @g93cc2hkce - Mrs. Ryan-Math & Science
Remind Class Code: ms2425ryan